

Physiotherapy is the treatment of any injury, chronic conditions and disorders using physical treatment over medication or surgery. Physiotherapists use physical treatment such as:

  • Exercise
  • Massage
  • Manipulation

PDC Health Hub Physiotherapists assist in improving your quality of life using various treatment techniques to reduce pain, restore function and mobility, reduce injury and prevention of further injury. PDC Health Hub Physiotherapists also improve fitness and mobility through the various physiotherapy classes available at PDC Fitness.

PDC Health Hub Physiotherapists provide thorough assessments of any physical condition or injury before applying any treatment or diagnosis. They work with you to meet your goals and expectations from Physiotherapy treatment. PDC Health Hub Physiotherapists not only provide direct treatment and  treatment plans, they also provide education for self-management for better health or injury prevention.

Some treatments provided by the Physiotherapy team at PDC Health Hub include:

  • Manual Therapy - including joint manipulation and mobilisation, stretching and resistance training
  • Exercise Programs
  • Electrotherapy techniques - such as Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation (TENS)

PDC Health Hub Physiotherapists work collaboratively with the team of Exercise Physiologist. Working together under PDC Fitness, the Physiotherapists and Exercise Physiologists provide a whole range of Exercise Programs and treatment in a small boutique fitness studio.

Physiotherapy Services

Physiotherapy Team

Physiotherapy Resources

Physiotherapy services at Kalamunda PDC Health Hub
Diabetes and mental health supports - Psychologists
PDC Care Plans Information Handout
PDC Fitness Hub Timetable
PDC GP Referral Directory

Physiotherapy Blog