
PDC Health Hub

PDC Allied Health

PDC Fitness Hub

Perth Diabetes Care

Practice locations

East Victoria Park - HQ

Health Promotion, Communications and Advocacy Team


Being updated

Laurenis a dedicated professional with a passion for health promotion, improvinglives, community engagement & advocacy for all people living with diabetes.As the Health Promotion & Communications Manager at PDC Health Hub, shedevelops impactful communications, programs and services for the diabetes (andwider) community. Having been diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes at the age of 28, andgrowing up with a mother with T1D, Lauren brings her lived experience and deepunderstanding of the condition to her work each day. She is an active member ofthe T1D Collective, a peer support and advocacy group. She also leads numerous advocacyprojects and is an active member of steering groups and advisory groups workingtirelessly to bring awareness and positive change to the world of diabetes.

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