Boutique Fitness studio in East Victoria Park run by Accredited Exercise Physiologists and Physiotherapists
The PDC Fitness Hub Membership is open to everyone
Fully supervised by exercise physiologists/physiotherapists
Constant supervision
Constant exercise technique guidance
Constant gym equipment assistance
Get fit whilst having fun
Attain your health, fitness, weight loss and body composition goals
Feel safe when exercising with a medical condition with constant exercise physiologist guidance and supervision
Great range of group fitness classes
Small boutique gym for people uncomfortable in large gym environments
Every program is personally designed by a PDC Fitness Hub Exercise Physiologist
Lots of group program options
Self paced small group sessions also available to progress your individual program in your own time
Progression-based programs which are reviewed by our Exercise Physiologists
Interactive software for program recording
A close knit community environment that also has access to many other allied health professionals including Dietitians, Counsellors, Clinical Psychologists, Diabetes Educators, Physiotherapy, Pharmacists and Podiatrists.
Track your body composition (fat, bone and muscle mass) through the Feelfit scales/software